Common name: Columbine
Botanical name: Aquilegia hybrids
Large, spurred flowers with clear colors of white, lavender, yellow, deep red and pink are borne on 2 1/2' tall plants. The strikingly beautiful blooms make good cut flowers. They require partial shade, well draining, moist soil. This lovely perennial is great in a woodland setting with ferns or Heuchera. It will go dormant in summer if water or heat stressed. Plants reseed.
Common name: Common White Lilac
Botanical name: Syringa vulgaris 'Alba'
Forms of the common Lilac grow to a height of 15' and are equally wide, but can be kept smaller with careful shaping. The dark green leaves are roundish, oval, smooth, leathery and pointed that grow to 5" long. In the spring, clusters of fragrant flower panicles appear. The flower color is white. The plant requires full sun for proper growth. May become drought tolerant once it's established. Great for cut flowers.
Common name: Olive
Botanical name: Olea europaea
This broad tree will slowly grow to 20'-30' tall and wide. It has small, grey-green, evergreen leaves. Small white fragrant flowers bloom in spring, followed by fleshy black fruit that appears in fall. Fruit is messy and can stain sidewalks. There are cultivars that do not produce fruit. Some folks are allergic to the blooms. This tree is very long lived, with a beautiful gnarled trunk. It prefers full sun and low watering in summer months (twice a month) and none during the winter, when established.
Common name: Magenta-Eyed Geranium
Botanical name: Geranium maderense
This is one of the most dramatic perennials of the garden. It does best in coastal areas, from full sun to part shade. It grows up to 5' tall and wide. Foliage is lobed, large, dark green and attractive. During the spring and sometimes summer, pink flowers with darker pink centers cover the plant. Flowers are supported on stems covered with purple hairs. This geranium is a show stopper when back lit! Prune when plant is toppling over from its weight, after bloom period. It does best in fertile, well draining soil. It can become drought tolerant in cool coastal areas.