Common name: Kanooka Box, Water Gum
Botanical name: Tristaniopsis laurina
This slow growing, evergreen, multi-trunked tree is 20' tall and 10' wide. It has a dense, rounded crown with yellow flowers that bloom in late spring, and attractive leaves and bark. It requires regular watering.
Common name: African Daisy
Botanical name: Arctotis hybrids
African Daisy hybrids grow 12-18" high x 12" wide and produce daisy-like flowers from spring through summer. These hybrids have lobed, gray green leaves and bloom in white, pink, red, purple, cream, yellow or orange. Arctotis likes full sun and well draining soil. It is drought tolerant once it's established.
Common name: Pink Jasmine
Botanical name: Jasminum polyanthum
This fast-growing evergreen vine features clusters of fragrant white flowers almost all year in cool climates. It does best when grown in sun to part shade.
Common name: Iceland Poppy
Botanical name: Papaver nudicaule
This Iceland Poppy produces leaves that are divided with flowers, appearing on stems 1'-2' high. These flowers are cup-shaped to 3" across, and come in colors of yellow, orange, salmon, rose, pink and cream.
Common name: Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Botanical name: Anigozanthos 'Yellow'
This herbaceous perennial can reach 4'-6' tall and 2'-3' wide. Kangaroo Paw has strap-like leaves and fuzzy tubular-shaped, yellow flowers that bloom in spring and fade as summer progresses. They can be used for cut or dried flowers. The flowers have nectar which attract hummingbirds. Kangaroo Paw does well in full sun and looks great in borders, mass plantings, and in pots. It can do well in drought tolerant conditions. It prefers sandy soil and deep, infrequent watering.