Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum
Texas Ranger
Blue Fescue, Blue Fescue Grass
Weeping Fig

Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum

Common name: Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum
Botanical name: Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'

The 'Krauter Vesuvius' is a smaller growing, flowering plum that grows to 18' high by 12' wide. Its leaves are purplish black throughout the growing season, and the flowers have a light pink color.


Common name: Cajeput
Botanical name: Melaleuca quinquenervia

This evergreen tree will grow 20'-40' tall and 15'-25' wide. It has distinct brownish white spongy bark that peels off in sheets. It produces yellowish white flowers that bloom in spring and fall. It works well as a street tree or in lawns. Additional names: Paperbark

Texas Ranger

Common name: Texas Ranger
Botanical name: Leucophyllum frutescens

Texas ranger is a dense shrub that grows from 6'-8' high and wide. It has pink flowers in the summer and gray foliage. It tolerates wind, heat and full sun. It is drought tolerant and attracts hummingbirds. Additional names: Texas Sage, Cenizo - Cornflower Farms

Blue Fescue, Blue Fescue Grass

Common name: Blue Fescue, Blue Fescue Grass
Botanical name: Festuca glauca

This ground cover/grass will grow less than 1' tall and has small, blue-green, evergreen leaves that are very thin and hair-like. Flowers appear in the summer but are insignificant. This dependable but short-lived ground cover prefers full sun in coastal areas and afternoon shade in warm inland areas. It needs well draining soil and is drought tolerant once it's established. Leaves may burn during the summer but trim in winter to keep it looking refreshed. Does not tolerate wet soil.

Weeping Fig

Common name: Weeping Fig
Botanical name: Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is a evergreen tree that grows or can be kept from 8' to 25' tall and 3' to 30' wide with shiny green leaves. This tree has a lovely weeping habit. In temperate areas, however, this tree can reach 60' tall so it's not appropriate for residential use. It likes half to full sun and tolerate some shade, medium watering, and any well drained soil. Can be grown in pots in desert areas indoors. Not frost tolerant. Trunk is a light brown color and can be braided. This tree is also used for bonsai. Also known as Weeping Fig.