Spanish Lavender
Otto Quast Spanish Lavender
African Daisy
Moonshine Yarrow
Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender
Jerusalem Sage
Compact Yellow Phlomis

Spanish Lavender

Common name: Spanish Lavender
Botanical name: Lavandula stoechas

This dense shrub grows 2'-3' tall with blue gray foliage and deep purple flowers that have large showy bracts near the top of the spikes. It is drought tolerant .

Otto Quast Spanish Lavender

Common name: Otto Quast Spanish Lavender
Botanical name: Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast'

This round shrub will grow to about 1-2' high and has small, gray green leaves with purple flowers that bloom in summer. It is more prostrate than its parent Lavandula stoechas. The flowers resemble a purple pineapple! 'Otto Quast' is drought tolerant once it is established and cold tolerant to 5 degrees F.

African Daisy

Common name: African Daisy
Botanical name: Arctotis hybrids

African Daisy hybrids grow 12-18" high x 12" wide and produce daisy-like flowers from spring through summer. These hybrids have lobed, gray green leaves and bloom in white, pink, red, purple, cream, yellow or orange. Arctotis likes full sun and well draining soil. It is drought tolerant once it's established.

Moonshine Yarrow

Common name: Moonshine Yarrow
Botanical name: Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold'

This Yarrow is characterized by dense clumps of upright stems, which show green, densely-hairy leaves similar to those of a fern. The plant is accented with flower heads formed in flat-topped clusters of a bright yellow color. Yarrows propagate easily from rooted cuttings or division, which should be performed in the early spring or fall. Following bloom, one should dead head the plant and divide the clumps when it appears crowded.

Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender

Common name: Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender
Botanical name: Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'

Long Stemmed Lavender has beautiful lavender colored plumes in the summer, reaching 3' tall and wide. Fragrance from blooms attract bees. Dried flowers used for sachets, oils, medicinal and culinary uses. Foliage is gray green and thin. This perennial has "fatter" flower spikes than other lavenders. It prefers full sun in well draining soil with low fertilizer. Does not tolerate frost or humidity.

Jerusalem Sage

Common name: Jerusalem Sage
Botanical name: Phlomis fruticosa

This hardy shrub can reach 4' tall and wide. It is a useful, old-time garden plant with soft, woolly gray green, wrinkled leaves. During spring and summer, yellow, 1" flowers in ball-shaped whorls with a clove like fragrance cover the shrub. It does best in full sun or light shade. It is both cold tolerant and drought tolerant once it's established.

Compact Yellow Phlomis

Common name: Compact Yellow Phlomis
Botanical name: Phlomis lanata

Phlomis lanata is a dense, compact, shrubby perennial to 2.5' tall, with 1" wide, woolly, wrinkled leaves and whorls of 1/2", tubular, yellow flowers. It is nearly everblooming if old, faded stems are cut out.