Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Colorado Spruce
Wall Germander

Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)

Common name: Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Botanical name: Rosa Hybrid Tea varieties

These shrubs and vines are the most loved in the Western USA and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes, from 2'-6' tall. Tea roses are the classical look types that have tall thin vertical stems, with a single flower at the end of the stem. Buds usually spiral open during spring and even into fall if weather is still frost free. Tea roses prefer full sun, well draining, rich soil, with ample watering. Plant foliage at the base of the plants to cover canes.

Colorado Spruce

Common name: Colorado Spruce
Botanical name: Picea pungens

The Picea pungens is a tall evergreen tree that grows to 100' tall. It is broadly pyramidal in form, with foliage varying in shades of blues and greens. This is a highly combustible plant.

Wall Germander

Common name: Wall Germander
Botanical name: Teucrium x lucidrys

This small shrub reaches 1' tall and 2' wide, with small, shiny, dark green, aromatic leaves on woody stems can be sheared and shaped. Lovely, reddish purple or white flowers appear between the upper leaves during summer. It can be used as a low hedge plant in herbal knot gardens or has a ground cover. To encourage branching, it should be pruned in the spring. It prefers full sun and well draining soil. It does not tolerate wet soil. It is drought tolerant once it's established.